
As featured in the CityEngine创建我的世界

Apply this Rule Package (RPK) as a Procedural point symbol in ArcGIS Pro to create textured 3D blocks from a grid of evenly-spaced points. The rule supports point feature classes spaced between 1m and 100m that have a Biome attribute that includes any of the following values:

将此规则包(RPK)作为ArcGIS Pro中的程序点符号应用,以从等间距点的网格中创建纹理3D块。该规则支持间距在1m和100m之间的点要素类,这些点要素类具有包含以下任何值的“生物特征”属性:

  • Grass
  • Taiga
  • Dirt
  • Diorite
  • Sand
  • Cloud
  • Water
Rule parameters allow you to scale the size of the cubes or adjust the transparency of the Cloud and/or Water biome types, if desired:
This is a relatively simple CityEngine rule that is a good starting point for learning the Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) language used by CityEngine. Refer to the annotated CGA code below to see the different parts:
  1. Biome Attribute. The Biome attribute is defined, with a default value of “Grass”. When the RPK is applied in Pro, it will look for this attribute (and the 7 unique biome values) in the point feature class.
  2. Rule Parameters. Additional user-adjustable parameters are defined. This will expose the option to change the opacity/transparency of the cloud or water cubes. By default, they have a value of 1.0 and all cubes are fully opaque (no transparency).
  3. Texture Library. The textures to use for each biome type are defined and stored in a folder in the rule.
  4. Primitive Cube Start Rule. All CGA begins with a Start Rule. This is the first branch of the tree and where the CGA logic begins. From the start rule, additional branches of rules are attached. The @StartRule annotation above the rule logic indicates this is the start rule, and @InPoint defines that a point feature class is the expected input.
  5. Top / Side / Bottom Textures sub-Rules. These branch off the Start Rule and apply the appropriate textures to each face of the primitive cube, according to the textures defined in the library. and the sides of the cube: TopFaceSideFace, and BottomFace.




Unzip the RPK
CityEngine-authored Rule Packages (*.rpk) are just zip files, so it’s actually possible to make small changes to the CGA logic or texture library even if you don’t have CityEngine installed — but are familiar with the syntax. After unzipping the Minecraft_Cubes.rpk, you will see this file structure:
Inside the assets folder, you will find the texture files for each biome cube, and in the rules folder you will find the Minecraft_Cubes.cga which you can open and alter in a text editor. Once you’ve made your changes, simply zip the folders back up and change the .zip extension to .rpk, then apply it to your points in ArcGIS Pro.
Some simple CGA code changes you can experiment with:
  • Replace the biome textures with your own versions. (the format used is .png, 160 x 160 pixels) Remember to keep the file names and locations the same, or else you will also have to update the texture file names in the Texture Library Section of the CGA.
  • Change the default cloud or texture opacity (waterOpacityValue or cloudOpacityValue) in the Rule Parameters section of the CGA from 1.0 (opaque) to something partially-transparent (e.g., 0.5).
  • For a bigger challenge, try adding additional Biome types to the CGA by following/duplicating the existing code logic.


在资源文件夹中,您可以找到每个生物群落立方体的纹理文件,在规则文件夹中,可以找到Minecraft_Cubes。可以在文本编辑器中打开和更改的cga。完成更改后,只需将文件夹压缩并将.zip扩展名更改为.rpk,然后将其应用于ArcGIS Pro中的点。
用自己的版本替换生物群落纹理。(使用的格式为.png,160 x 160像素)请记住保持文件名和位置不变,否则还必须更新CGA纹理库部分中的纹理文件名。
将CGA的“规则参数”部分中的默认云或纹理不透明度(waterOpacityValue或cloudOpacity Value)从1.0(不透明)更改为部分透明(例如,0.5)。

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